When eyes betell of lies; oft-times so easily detected, referring
to the visual deception which now has become more
relevant as one quickly turns away from
what has become
Easier said than done, referring to the undercurrent of deceit,
realising there are those whose words are so believable,
regarding whose who never question
one’s intent to
pertaining to those who take one’s words to be entirely factual,
and never proven wrong or misleading. There have been
many times I have regretted the wool being
pulled down before my
bespeaking of wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, the manner
one presents themselves. Perhaps it is the manner in
which one portrays that certain look of
innocence, causing one to
never sift through
the truth.
Could that very well be, when one confronts the purveyor of a lie?
A purveyor of precious goods, she was one never to deceive,
as one was betold within her tale of broken hearts
and misdeeds.
And those she had previously left, revealing nothing more,
but sad eyes and
All bittersweet occurrences she chose to ignore, which came
into question, if anyone dared to query
and nothing more to
She remembered the silence interrupted within a sound;
the words she found courage to speak
in betwixt a pause…
too afraid to vocalise more than a sentence within a paragraph
whilst attempting to voice her concerns pertaining
to this and that. A human
she admitted, when describing her failure to verbalise, believing
she should remain quiet
as a mouse.
Something she truly despised…
An exclamation, she felt, depicting her fears; wanting to be more
than who she was, a reclusive one, wanting to remain
alone while sitting atop
a shelf
while peering out within the dark, looking at all the lonely people
wondering, where did they all
come from.
About James Sterling
James began writing at the age of 13, and he has published about 12500 pages of poetry on Facebook! He retired from work at the age of 62.
James is proud to share that he never edits what he has written, and that is the beauty of his writing!!
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