As we face frustration in everyday life, it is a natural phenomenon generated from daily stresses without fail. So, you should understand the failure to handle it efficiently. You know, it has different triggers, procrastination, emotional turbulence, illness, the excess of work, and interpersonal conflicts with your partner.
“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” ― T.F. Hodge.
Frustration and its triggers
Seldom do our efforts not work, and we feel stuck with nothing to look forward to. So, disappointment is an evident and normal reaction to vent out the unsettling emotional distress. Stress from the demanding job and lack of social support leads to dissatisfaction when reward never comes on time. We cannot deny the benefits of positive stress; it pushes you to perform better, and whenever the high deadline projects get delivered, we felt relieved, happy, and accomplished. So the first thing is the need to understand the frustration to handle it efficiently.
Why do We Need to bother ??
Our daily frustrations can be piled up and generally are the triggers to chronic bad habits. Constant irritation and impatience lead to
- Overeating
- Drug usage
- Overconsumption of alcohol or caffeine
- Smoking
- Watching TV endlessly
- Video Gaming endlessly
All these habits are easy to start but difficult to stop.
Responses to chronic frustrations are :
- Anger
- Giving Up
- Loss of Confidence
- Depression
- Lossing away to addictions
However, we need to take care of ourselves from these self-sabotaging behaviors. Losing away to habits is the most natural path to dwell on failures. Daily life struggles are there to make you better, not bitter.

Save your Emotional Health
Positive and negative stress create biological changes in the body. Both aid adrenaline production, heart rate, and muscle fatigue. Let me share the ways to relieve frustration and mild anxieties:
Crying helps as emotions cannot be controlled inside for long. It provides a venting-out channel for unrealistic emotions and stress. After crying, body, and mind both feel refreshed. Therefore, many people have tried to understand the frustration. To handle failure efficiently, they vouch for the efficiency of this method.
Phone a friend
Generally, frustration is difficult to handle alone. Calling a friend may help. Also, discussing the problem with a close friend helps view the problem from a bird’s eye view. So, frustration goes out of the window, and taking charge of the situation steps in.
Knowing what triggers and take action
Knowing what creates frustration is extremely important. Is it the pending project or our procrastination or conflict with a co-worker or tiff in the home? We can avoid triggers. And, by taking immediate action, we can solve them.
Prolonged Breathing Exercise
Long breaths help in handling the unsettled stress. If stress is often happening, then the deep breathing needs to be regular enough to avoid frustrations.
Go for the Run
Going for a run or walk helps to de-stress and keep frustration levels down. Physical exercise always de-stresses the body and refreshes the mind.
Pursuing a hobby helps to de-stress and keep frustration in control. Also, It keeps the mind healthy and focused and gives creativity a channel to grow with a sense of accomplishment. Achievement boosts happiness levels.
I am writing de-stresses the mind. Also, it frees the mind from all the distractions and overthinking. Putting all your hate and anger on paper relieves you from mental strain.
Listening to music relaxes the mind and body. It keeps tabs down and helps to think in a different dimension. If the mood is off, then turn on your favorite music.
It gives another channel to zone out from daily emotional obstacles. It revitalizes the mind and helps to keep worrying tendencies at bay.
It helps to revitalize the body, increases concentration, and relieves mild depression. Yoga helps to reconnect the mind, body, and soul and keeps you refreshed.
Anxiety VS Frustration
Frustration is generally related to the outcomes of efforts. If efforts are fruitless, then frustrations arise. At the same time, stress is the worry for the future, fears of the unknown. Frustrations disappear as per situations, but anxiety stays longer. Usually, anxiety feeds on internal factors, so self-awareness is mandatory.
Everyone suffers from different anxieties in daily life. Frustration generally comes due to daily stress. You know, it increases anxiety and hampers productivity. Uncontrolled anxiety and frustration mess up everyday life. It is important to handle both emotions. On the contrary, anxiety is a generalized fear.
An increased anxiety disorder may cause high blood pressure, nausea, and acidity. It further leads to panic attacks and severe heart problems.
Stress hormones create these biological changes in the body. Thus, physical activity or meditation helps us to keep emotional health in control. Always keep a check on your stress levels. We should know which stresses are overloading the body and forcing the nervous system to explode.
Remember, life is full of pain, loss, sadness, unpredictable events, which cause stress, frustration, and anxiety. Acceptance is the only secret to relive disappointment. We have to learn to take all incidents in stride instead of mourning over them for long. Changing your behaviors is an excellent approach to handling stress and, finally, learning to ask for help whenever needed.
A fact
Do you know that in India there are few restaurants which offer you venting out your anger and one such is

Yes, Bhadaas Cafe officially has a room where you can break items and other stuff to vent your anger out. Maybe this sounds weird to you, but that is the unique part of this anger management café where you can smash your anger out by breaking up/smashing articles such as glasses, bottles, tables, chairs, and even TVs, only by paying up a small fee !!
Whether you are a love-bitten or have the worst day at the office, or you need your employees to relax, drop in to feel relaxed and get recharged for that fabulous day ahead!
And when you finish breaking up the objects to your heart’s content, you can order some coffees, teas, snacks, for that gala time, and more at the café !!
Also, you can write to, i.e., us – this site- at #your #frustrations #issues #story and #suppressed feelings which need vent out. #Stay tuned, # read #blessed till we present our next story Chayoos!
Notable credits to – Our Writer & Editor – Deepti Chawla.
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