There is sound in everything that surrounds us – the crunching of leaves, the whiff of the wind, pitter-patter of the falling raindrops. Can we use this for our greater good? This is the story of a woman for whom sound turned out to be a magical healer. Preeta was 54 when she quit her 9 to 5 job. The organization’s goals seemed distant, and she could not foresee herself contributing to its growth in the coming years.

Hence, with no plan B to fall back on or funds to fuel her daily life, Preeta stepped out of her office only to step into a new life that was waiting for her!
Over the next few months, she reinvented herself. Reinvention calls for an undeterred spirit to see one grow into one’s ideal version. Likewise, for Preeta too, it was a rough ride. However, her age was only a number, and fighting the living at the moment was her thing. From choosing a male-dominated profession – computer programming – to becoming the oldest student in her class of 40 – Preeta lived her life her way.
Thus, began her 40-day trip to Europe! During her days in Europe, she explored parts of beautiful European cities as much as she unraveled parts of her own self. Preeta conquered her fears of traveling and staying alone in a distant land miles away from home. Upon her return, Preeta was a new person altogether – bolder, braver, and stronger!
Her life took a turn for the best when she was introduced to a sound bath during her stay in an ashram in Rishikesh. Intrigued by the concept of sound healing, Preeta enrolled for a 3-day course and was amazed by the power of the sound bath! She could even relate her teachings with the dynamics of sound she had studied in physics. She applied them into her life transformed it into something beautiful! Preeta practised Buddhism in Dharamshala and there what she experienced was ephemeral, magical, and out of the world! She was so enticed by its charming spell that she gifted herself a sound bowl worth ₹15,000! That was when the sound had truly found Preeta.

Preeta’s journey with sound healing has been long and incredibly fruitful. From learning under the guidance of her master – a disciple of Don Conreaux – to attending Swaram, a sound exploration program at Auroville Ashram in Puducherry to many sessions, and summits, Preeta has lived on every facet of her beautiful journey. “It was as if the path formed as I walked on it,” said Preeta, recalling her journey with sound healing.
Though the two terms are interchangeable, music healing and sound healing are two different things. Following a rhythm, we structure music while the sound is essentially unstructured. A musician can use his expertise in music to extract its healing powers too, however, this will call unlearning what we have already learned and learning to use the healing capacities of sound in a new way. Hence, it is this intention with which we use the arts that paves the way for healing. In fact, healing arts such as painting, drawing, dancing, singing, gardening become therapeutic when we use them with an intention of healing the doer. When this intention blends with self-expression, healing is born. Preeta says, “Learning to heal through the creative arts is like learning the rules and then breaking them to express oneself.
On being asked if common people can pursue a career in sound healing, Preeta gives a confident nod. With stress levels reaching an all-time high, healing has become the need of the hour. In the pursuit of becoming successful in terms of luxury and the latest technology, we have somehow lost touch with ourselves. Healing helps us to regain the connection and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. Preeta feels the greatest gifts one can give to oneself and to those around us, are love, joy, happiness, and hope.
For Preeta, instilling the importance of these immaterial gifts should begin early in life. “If we teach young kids about happiness as a valuable facet of life, it will surely help to transform their lives!” says life coach, Preeta. Seeking happiness is a process that begins with peering into one’s own self first. It is followed by sprinkling the glowing stardust into one’s surroundings.
Self-care and healing hold even more importance in the contemporary times of social media. We are constantly tracking the validation garnered by our online glittery lives. Everything appears happy and nice on social media. This is where naïve youngsters get caught up in a vicious trap. Hence, educating today’s youth to understand that no one’s life is a bed of roses is the need of the hour. Preeta also feels that having the backing of a peer or support group can prove to be of invaluable help.
The current times of lockdown and the coronavirus pandemic have affected our mental health. Thus, Preeta also shares her invaluable knowledge in the field to help us get through this pandemic loud and sound. Finding a rhythm in our daily routine can assist us to be present in the now. Hence, simple tasks like mopping the floor, washing clothes or rinsing utensils can become therapeutic when performed with the right intention and attention. In the words of Preeta, “sound is everywhere, we just need to find the right ones.”
It is important to note here that sound is omnipresent. It requires no musical instrument to turn on the switch to its magical prowess! What is important to understand here is that sound is nothing but vibrations. When these vibrations seep into our being, the restorative process of healing begins!
Juicing out the therapeutic benefits from something as basic as a sound set Preeta on a journey of self-awakening. So, if it can change her life for good, of can change yours too! Along with this, practicing gratitude and journaling one’s emotions are powerful tools for delving deeper into the unchartered territories of one’s being too!
Our Storyteller:
Kavya Mukhija is a student of Psychology, a writer, a calligraphy artist, and a creative content creator. She loves traveling and exploring new places. Always dressed with a smile, she considers spreading happiness a good deed. Last and least, she is a woman with a ‘special ability.’ She believes that more than the ‘special ability,’ it is the negative perception towards ‘disability’, which is disabling. Reach her at her LinkedIn ID.
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