THE CRAYONS SCHOOL is defining new-age education for toddlers
Yes, THE CRAYONS SCHOOL is defining new-age education for toddlers. Every teacher dreams of shaping a child’s future in her own beautiful, unique & creative way.
Well, here’s a teacher who has not only dreamt of it but has worked very hard and eventually has transformed her lifelong dreams into a shining reality. And in the process, she has made a wholesome difference by touching little lives; through a fun & innovative approach by introducing the concept of “intentional learning” at the preschool level of education in India.
Happy to meet a renowned teacher & Director at The Crayons school, Mousumi Sinha, who is considered India’s leading pioneer in the field of early education. Yes, CRAYONS SCHOOL is defining new-age education for toddlers.
Based in Noida, the Crayons is India’s first chain of the unique preschool group, believing in making education an exciting way of life for a child. The school itself is an extension of Mousumi’s belief system, ensuring that education is all about creating an exciting and uplifting journey for every child and making them a self-driven personality by nurturing them in a very loving way.
“After spending almost fifteen years in the field of early education, I felt that there was a need to think differently. While today’s world is moving very fast, I realized that we still focus on old-school teaching methods. That’s how we conceptualized the unique and new-gen model of teaching curriculum with “The Crayons School” – shares a thoughtful Mousumi.

All about the Crayons school & its curriculum
The idea of a child-centric curriculum makes “The Crayons School” a unique model of teaching. Here we groom each child according to their interest, from a very early age, says Mousumi.
Research also shows that early brain development has a lasting impact on its ability to learn and succeed in the future. “It is with this idea that we want to work on each child from an early age and expose them to various activities; to quench the intellectual thirst of their curious minds. Through our ongoing efforts, we are indeed proud to say that The Crayons school is the first Pre-Primary School chain in India to have introduced and implemented “intentional teaching” to the young learners of our country.
All about the Crayons team, its infrastructure & more
We have designed and implemented a concept-based infrastructure for our entire school’s premises. ‘To kindle the curiosity of the young ones’ – is the motto at the forefront of the Crayons school’s innovative teaching project. We have a theatre room, where kids can explore a live story-telling and drama session. We also have a Digital room where kids can play with gadgets like desktops, laptops, tabs, etc. The Planetarium lets the kids travel and explore the world of galaxies. We also have a Sangeetalaya, where we introduce kids to different types of music, dance, and orientation to various musical instruments. There is an independent Learning zone also, where each child can enhance their digital learning with the help of a smartboard. It makes their learning a genuinely multi-dimensional and experiential one – shares an upbeat Mousumi.
At the Crayons school, we are fortunate to have a great blend of youthfulness and experience in our organization. It makes us a genuinely successful team unlike any other. Our board also is ever excited and enthusiastic about exploring new opportunities. Recently we have discussed with a couple of organizations that want to get associated with us. It includes many traditional schools also, to take our idea to every corner of this country.
Catering to the current times
Recently, in this journey of innovations, the Crayons School has become one of the first few preschools to start online classes during the Covid-19 crisis. We are running both academic and activity classes online. Parents of our students appreciated these initiatives – shares Mousumi.
A special ode to the parents:
No prizes for guessing who has played the most important and positive part in making this wonderful teaching project a reality for all of us at the Crayons school. J
Without a doubt, the unfailing support from the parents of every child, their active participation in our dream project has made us achieve an unprecedented level of success in our journey. When we look back, we realize that there were many milestones. Not to talk about the hurdles, which were aplenty, but it was all worth it. All thanks to the never-ending encouragement from these enthusiastic parents – shares a visibly overwhelmed Mousumi.

Being friends first
“Our kids today go through so much physical and emotional stress. Do we want to make learning a stressful affair for our kids or make it fun for them? My idea is to make learning a fun activity. I have put all these learnings in the concept of The Crayons School.” – shares Mousumi.
“As parents, we also know that the world today belongs to the next-gen kids. Today’s children are more knowledgeable than us, as they have access to information at the click of a button. They have immense possibilities in front of them. As elders, we also need to evolve our parenting style according to the needs of these kids. We need to be truthful to them, just by being a wonderful friend to them.” – signs off Mousumi.
As an ambitious group, the Crayons school is ready to open many new branches pan India and abroad in the next couple of years.
On behalf of Story of Souls, we wish you all the happiness, growth, and a true sense of accomplishment in your teaching venture at the Crayons school.
Hi, I am Alifia. I am a senior creative writer and a communication consultant. Writing is my passion, and reaching out to youngsters through my words is true love. I have written short stories for online journals, feature articles for magazines, and motivational writing for numerous newspapers and online blogs. My passion is to explore the opportunity to write for children and youngsters, especially motivational writing, counseling through words, and fun and learning-oriented topics. I also take up the group and individual learning sessions that motivate children to coordinate and communicate better! Reach me at WriterAlifia.
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Good Concept.
Truly unique ways. All the best
One of the best toddler