Story of the Uncivilized Indian – Assam Flood relief
For many of us, extending a helping hand means getting something in return. They can help free of cost as well, it does not always involve MONETARY exchange or benefits. Still, most people think twice in today’s times before helping? This stands true for our blood relations as well. Even one like or one share and one thank you is only done when you get something in return. This is how we are living in today’s so-called civilized and tech-savvy society. But today, we are talking about another league of young guys who are working selflessly for society. Meet the YOUNG team of The Uncivilized Indians.
Leading by Passion
The UCI is born in this 21st century and has been working for 4+ years for the upliftment of society, under various initiatives. These all social responsibility work they are doing along with their studies and jobs, that too without monetary benefits. News magazines and portals have also featured them for their tremendous work and many other reputed places as well.
Even this lockdown could not stop The Uncivilized Indian

When the zeal to help is big, even the universe will bow down to make the path for you. This happens with these guys, as some of them traveled from their jobs to hometowns to help the struck poor lives. We are also in challenging times. The rest of the younger generation is getting anxious, sitting ideal at home as neither they have friends to hang around with nor can they party. Adding more, it bore them with watching Netflix and other web series. The trend is something like they don’t want to help their parents as well! Whereas, these youth from Assam are moving out of their safe zones just to help those whom they don’t even know!
Condition in Assam

We at would like to share with all our readers the present condition of Assam during the flood. Each year, the flood affects the Assam. This isn’t much-trending news in the media. Flood affects over 45 Lakhs of lives in the total of 33 districts the flood affects 27. Every year, the locals of Assam fight for their survival. Loss of Crops and property happens each year. People also lose family and loved one’s year by year. Their means for survival and have to wait for rebuilding. Assam flood 2020 has hurt the most as first COVID-19 hit people and then this floods. Already two high waves of water have affected the state up till now.
The Uncivilized Indian

Amidst these conditions, these guys for the love of their motherland from a team of NGOs named UCI Foundation, the Uncivilized Indian Assam, came forward and have been working for the society. They get cuts by staying longer in the stagnated water for long hours, still are serving beyond their pains. It’s been over 32 days since they have been serving the poor and affected people.
They are all the students in colleges and jobs who are volunteering. They wake up at 7 am, get into the boats to reach the most interiors of the Assam region, which are highly affected yet unapproachable. These volunteers also reach there by walking in water. Imagine the state, where a normal person refuses to step inside the stagnated rainwater and try to avoid such places these guys are especially going inside that too barefoot. It’s their sheer determination and willpower to serve humanity. They have thrown themselves in such extreme conditions.
Food for the thought
Message for the youth:
Where society is fearing because of coronavirus, some of these guys in the team The uncivilized Indians especially came home from their workplaces to help and serve their motherland.
They could also sit and relax in their homes and can enjoy the web series and can play online games, however they choose a hard path. Isn’t this phenomenal? Should we not feel proud of this younger generation in the 21st century, who in the real sense are the changing face of the better India!
Message for the parents:
WE also like to request all the parents of this era that you must encourage your kids to do something for society. These good deeds will help in making a better society in the times to come. Further, these actions will craft a good character in this youth rather than, they sitting ideal, today’s youth has a lot of potential in them, just that we need to support them that could help in creating a wonderful world in the times to come, which humanity can be proud of!
Can we learn something from these young fellows? Are they not real youth icons? Yes, we at storyofsouls consider them much mature, sensible, and responsible who are leading the way through their actions for everyone. Especially for those who consider talking about the weaker section, a taboo! These young volunteers are especially waking up every day with disciple and punctuality and serving underprivileged that too sometimes through their own money and also from the donations.
It’s in their genes
It’s not only that they help the society while during floods, but they also keep doing their good work all year long from last many years in whichever city they are studying or working. In fact, leading a life by helping is their lifestyle. There are a lot of responsibilities that these young guys have on their shoulders. We mentioned some such initiatives that they are delivering with utmost sincerity and dedication below:
Their other initiatives are:
- Inspiring through their Facebook community, which as 2L+ followers,
- Project Anant Vidya
- Khoon
- Sundays for rivers
- Swacch Aahar
- Plant Green
- Hope for the Hopeless
- Voice – The Animal Welfare
- Flood relief
- COVID Relief
Nidhi Behl Vats (INDIA)
Nidhi Behl is an Author, columnist, blogger, inspirer, digital strategy consultant, and keeps on exploring new avenues that come her way. Passionate to write on life-related topics and found her love at –
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