Zeenah Jansen was living the perfect life everyone wishes for until she was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2016. Endometriosis is a disease in which a tissue-like lining grows outside the uterus causing painful intercourse, menstrual cycle, and pain in bowel movements. It is a chronic disease that can last for a lifetime.
Before being diagnosed with Endometriosis, Zeenat met her life partner and married in 2015. She was living the life she had always dreamt of until she started experiencing cramps from time to time and experienced immense pain during intercourse.
Zeenah looked out for symptoms and visited the doctor several times only to be told that it was a bladder infection. As the symptoms worsened, she started spending a lot of time on Google trying to self-diagnose her disease. While struggling with chronic pain and being disappointed at every visit to the doctor, she bravely put on a smile and carried on with her daily work. Jansen’s worries were multiplied many folds when she was diagnosed with Endometriosis by a doctor from Gatesville. The doctor was unable to proceed with her treatment as she was not a specialist in the field and recommended she visit a specialist.
“ I think having to deal with the fact that the doctor will not be able to help with my treatment broke me apart, and made me worry about what the future had in store for me.
Gansen needed to get surgery for the removal of the tissue but all the slots were fully booked. She recalls breaking down in the doctor’s clinic and they were finally able to squeeze in a slot for her. Post-surgery Zeenah recovered peacefully. Zeenah had always dreamt of having kids which seemed a far-fetched dream with her ongoing problems but post-surgery she felt a deep desire to have children. She started her IVF journey and looked forward to having a healthy pregnancy. But her worries did not end with the operation. The doctor informed her that endometriosis fluid that had accumulated in the tube have flowed back into the uterus and therefore it poisoned and killed the embryo.
She was advised to undergo surgery before going through any reproductive assistance. Zeenah bravely booked a slot for her second surgery in 2020. With the restrictions due to the pandemic, there were no visitors allowed and she was completely on her own. She went through unbearable pain but came out stronger.
She credits her husband for giving her constant support, strength, and love to get through the hard times. “ If it hadn’t been for him where would I be today?”
Her husband spent several hours in the hospital rooms patiently waiting for her and took numerous trips to the hospital and back. Love truly strengthens us enough to survive anything without even thinking twice.
A regular medical diagnosis and taking note of the changes you feel in your body can help with an early diagnosis of Endometriosis. This can further help in starting your treatment before the disease worsens.
Zeenah’s journey showcases the immense strength and courage she embodies. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to pass every moment of the darkness to experience the bright light.

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